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All Flowers DeliveredOn Your Time, To Your Home.
flower bouquet

Your Favorite Local Florist.

And that's not to mention Valentine's Day and Mother's Day - the two biggest events in any florist or flower shop's calendar!


Same-Day, Hand Delivery.

from birthdays and anniversaries, to congratulations and celebrations, or to say "thinking of you"

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    Have Flowers Any Time You Want

    Flower Delivery Newport

    Having flowers delivered straight to your home or to a loved one is a beautiful way of brightening up your day. Whether you love to regularly adorn your home with floral arrangements or are looking for a touching gift to send to someone, Pauline’s Flowers offers convenient flower delivery in Newport and many surrounding areas.

    With our flower delivery in Newport, you can rest assured that the flowers will be delivered on time and in a lovely condition. This makes for a perfect way of treating yourself regularly, having a fresh arrangement delivered to your office every week to improve the ambiance, or for surprising a loved one with a flower delivery straight to their doorstep.

    When it comes to giving a beautiful gift, nothing really beats flowers. Pauline’s Flowers offer floral arrangements for a range of different occasions and events, including weddings, birthdays, the birth of a new child and even funeral flowers. This means that no matter what the occasion, you can arrange the right flower delivery to Newport as a gift. In many cases, we will be able to offer same-day delivery and even international deliveries, so contact our team to see how this can be done.

    Send a meaningful gift or treat yourself with flower delivery in Newport today!

    Areas We Serve
    Our Customer Reviews
    Cl Quote Img

    Stopped in here for an extremely last minute arrangement, we needed it within a couple hours. The arrangement was gorgeous, somehow got finished within our ridiculous time frame and within our budget as well. The lady working in the shop really went above and beyond. Super impressed and would definitely go back.

    Jackie Chanliness


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